“Farewell my Concubine“ is another successful collaboration between director Chen Shi-Zheng and Studio Leigh Sachwitz. For the grand opening of the 21st Beijing music Festival, Chen Shi-Zheng reimagined a Chinese cultural treasure by directing Farewell my Concubine a Beijing Opera which fuses acrobatic, vocals, visuals, modern dance and music. This new Beijing Opera uses modern aesthetics and technology to reinvent theatrical expression. The interactive multi-media show is used as the vehicle to convey the immer voices of the characters. Featuring Yang Chi and Ding Xiao-Jun both internationally famous we created something truly special. Studio Leigh Sachwitz is proud to have designed the media and video content for this premier at the Beijing Music Festival.
Art Installation & Creative Direction: Studio Leigh Sachwitz
Video Design & Production: Studio for Design. flora&faunavisions GmbH